Free Form oil paintings celebrating 70 years of child good
Daniel Kelly presents seven new oil paintings on Kyoto kimono fabric. Included are various themes in oil as well as early watercolors and prints.
Daniel Kelly presents seven new oil paintings on Kyoto kimono fabric. Included are various themes in oil as well as early watercolors and prints.
会場 | アネックスA 〒150-0033 東京都渋谷区猿楽町29-21 |
日時 | 2017年10月27日(金)~2017年10月29日(日) 27日 18:30-21:00 Opening reception with guests performance 28日 10:00-20:00 29日 10:00-17:00 |
入場料 | 無料 |
主催 | Daniel Kelly Studio |
お問い合わせ | Daniel Kelly Studio E-MAIL : |
いくつになっても子どもようにあり続けたい— 70歳を迎えるにあたり、代表的モチーフである鯉を“7”にかけて新作7つを制作致しました。人生の半分以上を過ごす京都で巡り会った着物や帯たち。 波うち、盛り上がるキャンバスに泳ぐ鯉たちは、カラフルで無邪気であり、見る物の心を魅了します。アメリカより来日後、木版画家 徳力富吉郎氏の師事を経て、40年近くに渡る創作活動に携わってきました。版画、水彩、油彩、コラージュ技法を織り交ぜた作品の数々は、MOMA、メトロポリタン美術館、大英博物館、ニューサウスウェールズ州立美術館等の各国に収蔵されています。
Seventy years of childhood, Daniel Kelly presents seven new oil paintings on Kyoto kimono fabric. Included are various themes in oil as well as early watercolors and prints. After spending more than half of his life in Kyoto Daniel’s works can be found in International museums including NY MOMA, NY Metropolitan Museum of Art, The British Museum, The Museum of New South Wales and numerous others.
Concurrently Daniel’s newest print is also featured in the CWAJ print show also on display at Hillside Forum. Both exhibitions end Sunday October 29. Please enjoy both exhibitions.
Seventy years of childhood, Daniel Kelly presents seven new oil paintings on Kyoto kimono fabric. Included are various themes in oil as well as early watercolors and prints. After spending more than half of his life in Kyoto Daniel’s works can be found in International museums including NY MOMA, NY Metropolitan Museum of Art, The British Museum, The Museum of New South Wales and numerous others.
Concurrently Daniel’s newest print is also featured in the CWAJ print show also on display at Hillside Forum. Both exhibitions end Sunday October 29. Please enjoy both exhibitions.